30cm - 12inch

Für Details zu den Luftballons dieser Kategorie, klicken sie bitte auf das jeweilige Produktbild !

Please click on the relative pictures for further details and informations about desired balloons !

BELBAL B105 30cm Standard Pastell Luftballons Ballons Latexballons Farben rot grün blau weiss gelb orange Hameln

BELBAL B105 Pastel (10er Pack)

Belbal B105 Pastel Kristall Soap Crystal Luftballons Dekoration Party Farben Heliumballons Balloons


(100er Pack)

CATTEX 12" Crystal

CATTEX 12" Crystal

CATTEX 12" Decor Decoration Titanium Chrome Luftballons Balloons

CATTEX 12" Titanium

JENNY LOONS Luftballons Soft Crystal Premium Latexballons Eigenmarke 100% Latex heliumgeeignet latexballoons


Soft Crystal Premium

UNIQUE Luftballons Balloons Globos Mix Party


(100er Pack)

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* Marked items aren't available during all the time. Please ask us for availability !